(Left to right) Uwe Nickelsen (Argentina), Eric Tucker (Instructor), William Burgher (Administration), Jae Pil Kim (Korea), Jorge Tavio (USA), Luis Gallo (Colombia), Woo Jin Kim (Korea), Kevin Kane (USA), Mario D'Amico (Argentina), Roger Lee (USA), Marcelo Verinaud (Brazil)
(Left to right) Uwe Nickelsen (LSA Service – Ecuador), Eric Tucker (RFSC, Ltd.- Bahamas), William Burgher (RFSC, Ltd. – Bahamas), Jae Pil Kim (Chodang University – Korea), Jorge Tavio (Kodiak Research – Bahamas ), Luis Gallo (LAG Ultralight – Colombia), Woo Jin Kim (Chodang University – Korea), Kevin Kane (California Power Systems – USA), Mario D’Amico (Ultralight SRL – Argentina), Roger Lee (California Power Systems – USA), Marcelo Verinaud (Cruzerio Do Sul – Brazil)

(Nassau, Bahamas) RFSC Ltd. wishes to congratulate all the attendees of the Instructor Development course held in Nassau, Bahamas. The program was held from May 18 to the 21 with intensive practice sessions to improve presentation skills, work with the RFSC materials and administration guidelines for training. The course had an international flavour, with instructor candidates from 3 continents attending.

Rotax Flying and Safety Club, with approval from both the distributor and Rotax (Austria) has been offering an instructor development programme since it’s inception.  For more information on the training courses offered by the RFSC, please go to www.RotaxFlyingClub.com .  For Rotax owners looking for a current technician (iRMT Technicians must have their training renewed every two years) you can find a map and list at www.RotaxiRMT.com.

Author: William