Yesterday’s events came as quite a shock for most of the visitors and vendors attending Sun-n-Fun 2011.
Yes, the tornado and accompanying wind, rain and hail did a lot of damage and destroyed many aircraft and displays.
While this is what made the news on the major networks, it is not the most important detail.
What was really amazing were the people and how the spirit of camaraderie brought everyone together.
It did not matter what you own, fly or represent, everyone worked together during and after the storm. I happened
to be in the ROTAX iSC and RFSC Training booth when the storm hit, the workers manning the booth did an amazing
job of literally holding down the fort. The TV, computer and other electronics went flying and the rain found its way onto
everything. Without those guys there, I am sure the tent would have been gone. After the major winds, but while
the rains were still coming down, Sun-n-Fun volunteers were all over the place checking on people and picking up the
debris. Those guys and gals are the true heroes of the show!